I finally watched for the first time "Facing The Giants". If you haven't seen it, I challenge you to watch this movie. It's about a man and his wife, Grant and Brook Taylor that both believe that God is capable of working miracles, but are becoming a bit discouraged because for them personally it seemed that God was taking His "sweet" time. The husband, a high school football coach feels like a failure; that he could not be his best. He has never had a winning season in the 6 years of being at this school. The dads of these football players have the idea of replacing him as head coach. The wife wanted something that most every woman dreams of having and being; she wanted to have a baby and to be a mommy. On top of all the frustration, Grant finds out that he is the reason that his wife can not get pregnant. So devastation hits and hits hard.
We also meet some of the players, students of the school. One young man disrespects his father. He does not care what he says or thinks, he will do things his way instead of submitting to his parental authority. Then we meet David. He's insecure about his size. David and his dad are new to town and he finds out that the school does not have a soccer team, but a football. His dad, confined to a wheelchair, encourages him to try-out for the team as a kicker. Then we have Brock, the team captain. He displays an attitude of disbelief and of not having any faith in his team or himself.
There came a point where Grant had to give everything to the Lord. He surrendered. All him and his wife wanted was to see God's favor. Brook would awake from her sleep and find that her husband was not next to her, but just over in the living room, down on his knees praying to God. Then she herself would get out of bed and kneel down beside the bed and pray. They knew that the situation and circumstances were no longer in their hands. It would take a miracle!
If you have seen the movie, we know that there is an older man who roams up and down the school's hallway and prays over each locker. As the scenes move forward, we see faith and hope arise. We salvation take place for the students; there's a revival of prayer. We also see Grant and Brook really set their focus on what's really important. They finally come to the point that no matter what happens they will still love God. A motto from the movie: "If we win, we praise Him. If we lose, we praise Him." No matter what you face and no matter how long you face that giant for, you praise God. He will bring you through and out.
Doubt, disbelief, and fear are just a few giants that most, if not all, human beings have to face. In fact, if you say that you are a Christian, but have never dealt with any of these emotions, you probably need to examine your walk with God. Being a Christian has its advantages and rewards, but its never an easy road all the time. Just like love, peace, and joyous feelings are real, so is doubt, fear, anxiety, and disbelief. The enemy is real, but so is God.
The entire message of this movie is this: face your giants. In the movie, the giants are represented as the big-to-do, rival football team. They have won the state championship for several years in a row and they remain undefeated. The Giants are the enemy, but God gave the Eagles victory. So in our situations, yes, we have an adversary, but its says in His Word that the devil is defeated!! We, in Christ, have the VICTORY!
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