Tuesday, August 28, 2012

After Midnight Soundtrack

One of my favorite things to do is go outside, after dark, and walk. Most of the time I take my music player with me, but the past two nights I haven't taken anything with me. Before going outside, I will write in my journal questions and thoughts; what I'm talking to God about. Then I go out the front door and begin to pray. Nothing in my ears playing; all I hear is God's nighttime orchestra.
Last night was great because along with what I was already hearing, a storm was coming close. Lightening flashes, thunder beginning to roll, and every now and then, you feel a rain drop. It was so beautiful. I asked God to let it rain. Either the day before or a couple of days before I remember reading a love letter from my Groom that He would send something to remind us of how much He loved us. Well, I asked for rain. It might sound strange, but I really enjoy the rain. I like how it feels. It feels so crisp and cool. I like how it smells. It smells clean and fresh. I like how it looks. Everything about the rain, I like. So as I was walking, talking with the Lord last night I told Him why I like the rain. When it rains, its like the earth is getting a rinse over; a shower. It has to be cleaned off from all the junk. Well, I thought about my life in a spiritual sense. I need it to rain down and pour on my life and wash away the junk that does not and should not be there. Now, I love the Lord with all my heart, but that doesn't mean that when I got saved that life would be easy and that I would have a free ride to everything. Life is not fair, but God is still faithful. He reminds us in the little things just how much He loves us.

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